Honored Recognition by India's Tribal Affairs Ministry

Discover the essence of empowerment with our featured video from the GOAL (Going Online As Leaders) program, a flagship initiative by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs and Facebook. This program is dedicated to empowering tribal youth through mentorship, leadership training, and digital literacy skills. Dive into the video to witness the transformative journey and the positive impact it has had on our shop. Join us in celebrating this collaboration as we continue to stand as leaders in promoting tribal heritage and fostering sustainable growth

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Onion Hair Cleanser 200ml
Bhringraj & Hibiscus Hair Cleanser 200ml
Aloevera Shampoo 200ml
Shikakai Hair Cleanser 200ml
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Media Coverage of our Initiative

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Discover Our Best Pickles & Chutneys

Appemidi or Kairi slice pickle 500g


Enjoy the exquisite taste of our Appemidi pickle, a culinary delight crafted from the finest Appemidi mangoes. Sliced and seasoned with a harmonious blend of traditional spices, this pickle offers a unique fusion of tangy and spicy flavors. The distinctiveness of the Appemidi mango lends a special touch, making it a perfect accompaniment to a variety of dishes.

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