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Shilajit 10g

Regular price
Rs. 900.00
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Rs. 0.00
Sale price
Rs. 900.00
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Shilajit is a potent substance revered for centuries for its remarkable health benefits. Originating from the heart of the Himalayas, Shilajit is a natural resin formed over centuries from decomposed plant matter and minerals.

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Wellness: 
Embrace the wisdom of ancient Ayurvedic traditions with Shilajit. Packed with over 85 minerals and trace elements, this powerful substance acts as a natural rejuvenator, supporting your body's vitality and resilience.

Key Benefits:

  1. Enhanced Energy: Feel a surge of natural energy as Shilajit replenishes your body's essential nutrients, helping combat fatigue and boost stamina for your daily endeavors.

  2. Optimized Immunity: Fortify your immune system with the antioxidant-rich properties of Shilajit, shielding your body from environmental stressors and promoting overall well-being.

  3. Improved Cognitive Function: Experience heightened mental clarity and focus with Shilajit's ability to support brain health, enhancing cognitive function and sharpening your mind.

  4. Joint and Muscle Support: Alleviate discomfort and promote flexibility with Shilajit's anti-inflammatory properties, offering relief to tired muscles and achy joints.

  5. Youthful Vitality: Embrace the fountain of youth with Shilajit's potential to slow down the aging process, promoting cellular regeneration and maintaining youthful vigor from within.

How to use (hindi):

How to use (kannada):

    Shilajit 10g
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    How to use the products?

    All audio files available in our website in the product description. The files are in Kannada and Hindi. Please listen and follow the procedure

    Any chemicals used while preparing?

    No hazardous chemicals are used to prepare our products. Most of it is organic

    Is shipping free of cost?

    Inside Karnataka above Rs. 800 order then shipment charges are zero. Below Rs. 800 the courier charges will be applied as per the weight.

    How long does it take to ship the products?

    We will ship the products within 72 hours after the order confirmation.